The Road to Big Big Brother: One Man's Struggle Against the Surveillance Society
A Social book. Verrry interesting.
In this entertaining and highly revealing account of his attempt to dodge Britain's 4.2 million CCTV cameras and other forms of surveillance, Ross Clark lays bare the astonishing amount of personal data which is hoarded by the state and by commercial organizations, and asks whom should we fear most: the government agencies who are spying on us - or the criminals who seem to prosper in the swirling fog of excessive data-collection.
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 200 pages
- ISBN: 9781594032486 / 1594032483
More About The Road to Big Big Brother: One Man's Struggle Against the Surveillance Society
Quick shot of paranoia before morning coffee Verrry interesting. So here we have a book about Britain sleepwalking into the Orwellian nightmare, the Big Brother state.It's by this guy Ross Clark who is a right-wing journalist who earns his living writing for the vicious Daily Mail and the poisonous Daily Express gutter press. Sample articles : God Save us from the crazy religious privileges in jails...