Abducting Alice
A Space, Futuristic, Fantasy book. Alice was a lonely geologist working for an International mining company. She was short, overweight for her...
For someone who thinks rocks are more interesting than men, geologist Alice is proven how very wrong she is.When a probe crashes to Earth near a dig site, Alice Clarkson thinks she has hit the jackpot of her gem collecting career finding a real life meteor to add to her collection. But this is no mere meteor. It’s an alien probe designed to capture life; specifically female life.Abducted and...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 105 pages
- ISBN: / 0
More About Abducting Alice
Heroine fell in love to fast she meets hero and BAM! they're mated and in love. No fight what-so-ever definitely made me roll my eyes. I like the genre of the story but sadly I didn't like it that much.I really did try to like the story but because I had read too many books with the same genre I just felt this one is lacking. The story is basically: Short, plump, plain girl gets abducted by slave-trading aliens, girl gets saved by huge, gorgeous, wealthy warrior alien... Alice was a lonely geologist working for an International mining company. She was short, overweight for her height (a size 14), and never had a date. Her only relatives were her gorgeous, man-hungry sister and an elderly uncle.Her latest field assignment for the company was an exploration in the western desert of Australia to confirm...