I Married A Communist
A Literary Fiction, Novels, Jewish book. Quando la tragedia umana si compiuta, la si passa ai giornalisti affinch, banalizzandola, la...
I Married a Communist charts the rise and fall of Ira Ringold, an American roughneck who begins life as a ditchdigger in 1930s New Jersey, becoming a big-time radio hotshot in the 1940s. In his heyday as a star - and as a zealous, bullying supporter of 'progressive' political causes - Ira marries Hollywood's beloved leading lady, Eve Frame. Their glamorous honeymoon is short-lived, however, and it is the publication of Eve's scandalous bestselling expose that identifies Ira as 'an American taking his orders from Moscow'.In this story of cruelty, betrayal, and savage revenge, anti-Communist fever pollutes national politics and infects the relationships of ordinary Americans, friends become deadly enemies, parents and children tragically estranged, lovers blacklisted and felled from vertiginous heights.
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 323 pages
- ISBN: 9780099287834 / 99287838
More About I Married A Communist
Quando la tragedia umana si compiuta, la si passa ai giornalisti affinch, banalizzandola, la trasformino in spettacolo. Philip Roth, I Married a Communist // Why, emotionally, is a man of his type reciprocally connected to a woman of her type? The usual reason: their flaws fit. Philip Roth, I Married a Communist // Look, everything the Communists say about capitalism is true, and everything the capitalists say about Communism is true. The difference is, our system works because it's based on the truth about people's selfishness, and theirs doesn't because it's based on a fairy tale about people's brotherhood. It's such a crazy fairy tale they've got to take people and put them in Siberia in order to get them to believe it. Philip Roth, I Married a Communist //
- I don't think this is a novel about communism, maccarthism and whatever;- Obviously best pages of this book are those about Ira family: him and Sylphid and Eve... I think those are the reason why this book was written in the first place. Perhaps some Roth's personal life and revenge was involved - I don't know and really don't want... Maybe retrospect will make me feel more kindly toward this one: from the description of Nixon's funeral on into the end, Roth touches on an energy, a tension, an uncertainty that everything that came before came up short in. Suddenly, Murray and Zuckerman's relationship becomes real; suddenly, the story takes on a life outside of itself,... This wonderful book reminded me that there was a vibrant radical movement in the States before the '60's. Ira Ringold is almost a tragical figure to me with the full Aristotelian meaning: he is exalted to a prominent figure of both the Communist Party and his professional circles. He is strong, self confident and above all idealist....