A Aliens, Paranormal, Adult Fiction book. A strange, strong feeling came over her, prickling the skin on her arms...
Mei-Li Hastings is in trouble. She’s Dream Sharing with a Kindred warrior. Normally that’s a regular part of being claimed by one of the tall, handsome aliens who came to Earth looking for brides. But in Mei-Li’s case, nothing is normal. The dreams she’s having show a huge, frightening male with a red laser for an eye and a metal arm. The man who’s coming to claim her is a Dark Kindred—one of the emotionless denizens of Zeaga Four where love is unknown and feelings are outlawed.Six has risen steadily in the ranks of the Collective since his inclusion into the Dark Kindred at age fourteen. Now, to his dismay, he is suddenly having dreams he cannot ignore—dreams of a girl with dark eyes and silky black hair who fears him desperately. Despite the fact that he is supposed to feel nothing, Six finds himself drawn to the girl. And when he is ordered by his superior to claim her, he comes in search...
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- Pages: 445 pages
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A strange, strong feeling came over her, prickling the skin on her arms and raising the short hairs at the back of her neck. Somehow she knew that if he left her, she could never love anyone else. She was hisSix had taken a piece of her soul and welded it permanently to his. Without him, she would never be whole again. Never Evangeline Anderson, Enhanced //
Didn't think I was going to be down with the whole sexy-cyborg thing... but this was an excellent addition to the series (I mean, let's be honest... it still wasn't up to Sylvan standards... but I don't think it's possible to top that one, for me anyway). Love, love, loved Six! And cannot even wait for Stavros... let's get to it :p... 4.5 StarsMei-Li dreams with the mysteious warrior have exhausted her, and while she should be scared of him she isn't, at least not in the way others expect her to be. When Commander Sylvan told her Six would not be coming to claim her she was relived, up until the point where he just showed up for her.Six does not want to claim a female,... Love this series.