Five on Finniston Farm
A Adventure, Childrens, Mystery book. Just the same old couple! said Dick. Youve got a spot on your chin, George, and...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 192 pages
- ISBN: 9780340104316 / 340104317
More About Five on Finniston Farm
Just the same old couple! said Dick. Youve got a spot on your chin, George, and why on earth have you tied your hair into a ponytail, Anne? Youre not very polite, Dick, said George, bumping him with her suitcase. I cant think why Anne and I looked forward so much to seeing you again. Here, take my suitcase havent you any manners? Plenty, said Dick, and grabbed the case. I just cant get over Annes new hairdo. I dont like it, Anne do you, Ju? Ponytail! A donkey tail would suit you better, Anne! Enid Blyton, Five on Finniston Farm //
This was always one of my favourite Fives, although I'm not really sure why. The castle, the chapel, the treasure and Old Great-Granddad must all feature somewhere in the reason. anyone A fun book! Though short, I enjoyed every bit of it. I'm keen on reading the rest of the books in the Famous Five series, for I got hooked to this book, every page keeping me interested as I read. A good read indeed!