Creepy and Maud
A Mental Health, Abuse, Young Adult book. Beginnings are pitiless things; they are full of promise and hope that they never have to realise. Dianne Touchell,...
Hilarious and heartbreaking, Creepy & Maud charts the relationship between two social misfits, played out in the space between their windows.Creepy is a boy who watches from the shadows keenly observing and caustically commentating on human folly. Maud is less certain. A confused girl with a condition that embarrasses her parents and assures her isolation.Together Creepy and Maud discover something outside their own vulnerability — each other’s. But life is arbitrary; and loving someone doesn’t mean you can save them.Creepy & Maud is a blackly funny and moving first novel that says; ‘You’re ok to be as screwed up as...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 220 pages
- ISBN: 9781921888953 / 0
More About Creepy and Maud
We have our own place in the space between windows. Dianne Touchell, Creepy and Maud // Am I sounding creepy? Love is sort of creepy. When you fall in love, you presuppose all sorts of things about the person. You superimpose all kinds of ideals and fantasies on them. You create all manner of unrealistic, untenable, unsatisfiable criteria for that person, automatically guaranteeing their failure and your heartbreak. And what do we call it? Romance. Now thats creepy. Dianne Touchell, Creepy and Maud // Beginnings are pitiless things; they are full of promise and hope that they never have to realise. Dianne Touchell, Creepy and Maud //
I'm not allowed to say anything until October when the book comes out, but I only have 2 words for you: New. Benchmark. YA. Okay, that's 3 words (or 2 words and 1 acronym) but anyway. Let me stuff my hand into my mouth....This sounds exactly like Shirley's sense of darkness, humour and Bad Romance! Fremantle Press (like Text Publishing)... Here's the first review listed on Amazon. By a very good writer named "Dee". I gotta read this book. Beautiful novel about a kooky suburban love story September 26, 2012 By Dee18 TOP 1000 REVIEWER Format:PaperbackCreepy and Maud are neighbours and on the outskirts, of everything.So, they watch everything.They watch their parents like... Not being much of a reader of YA fiction this is a hard one for me to rate so I'll let it simmer in my brain for a while. It was most definitely unusual and disturbing in parts but also funny - a bit Adrian Mole, a bit Catcher In the Rye, and the unconventional love story reminded me a bit of Let the Right One In (probably because I...