Fear Of Flying
A Erotica, Classics, Novels book. We drove to the hotel and said goodbye. How hypocritical to...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 277 pages
- ISBN: 9780586041499 / 586041494
More About Fear Of Flying
We drove to the hotel and said goodbye. How hypocritical to go upstairs with a man you don't want to fuck, leave the one you do sitting there alone, and then, in a state of great excitement, fuck the one you don't want to fuck while pretending he's the one you do. That's called fidelity. That's called monogamy. That's called civilization and its discontents. Erica Jong, Fear of Flying // It took me years to learn to sit at my desk for more than two minutes at a time, to put up with the solitude and the terror of failure, and the godawful silence and the white paper. And now that I can take it . . . now that I can finally do it . . . I'm really raring to go. I was in my study writing. I was learning how to go down into myself and salvage bits and pieces of the past. I was learning how to sneak up on the unconscious and how to catch my seemingly random thoughts and fantasies. By closing me out of his world, Bennett had opened all sorts... Uno no tiene por qu pedir disculpas si quiere ser el dueo de su propia alma... para bien o para mal. Cuando ya todo se ha dicho y hecho, es todo cuanto queda. Erica Jong, Fear of Flying //
You know those books that you wouldn't necessarily list as one of your favourites, but they leave such a lasting impression anyways? It's raunchy and slightly scandalous (or maybe more than slightly), but it's more so that because it was published in 1973. Which makes it incredibly interesting. And yet, it felt so modern and relatable... Isadora Wing, welcome to my shit list. At first, i was really hesitant to read the novel because of the authors' name.I don't know why it annoyed me so much that i don't have the intention of reading it, if not for it's inclusion on the popular 1001 list. Well, we don't have to judge a book by its cover, but let us also put into consideration of not minding the author's...