You Are Sloth!
A Fiction, Horror, Crime book. The faded scent of stale smoke had cured into the gray wood over the years, but it suddenly seems more...
"Why you are sloth? Because fuck you is why! HAHAHAHAHA!!1!"That's the last response you got from The Spammer, who's developed an insidious computer virus that transforms people into their power animals. You never should have opened that email from the Philippino Sherriff's Attaché to East Berlin. So many missed warning signs there, but you were drunk last night. Things have been rough lately - you can't pay your rent, your neighbors are annoying, you keep getting strange calls from horny guys with unique and unsettling fetishes, you're way behind with work, and your computer is suddenly crapping out on you. And now you're a goddamn sloth. Nice going, genius. But there's more at play here than simple animal hijinks. You've been added to the Homeland Security Terror Watch List, and the cops want to question you...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 150 pages
- ISBN: 9781621051015 / 0
More About You Are Sloth!
The faded scent of stale smoke had cured into the gray wood over the years, but it suddenly seems more potent. As are distinct notes of ass and sweat and some combination of the two, drifting up to your newly sensitive sloth nostrils. Did you really smell this bad? Was it noticeable to others? Why the hell do you give a shit about it right now? Youre a fucking sloth. Shouldnt you be worrying about that rather than whose olfactory sensibilities you might offend? Steve Lowe, You Are Sloth! //
You have just read You Are Sloth! by Steve Lowe. Because second person is difficult to pull off without a really good justification (subject matter, point of view) you switch to first person. Now you feel more at ease. No, dammit--you're still stuck in second. It's a lot like waking up with a splitting hangover to find yourself transformed... I laughed so much that I nearly passed out several times. To be read in public if you enjoy making others uncomfortable with your private reading. I have never read a book so hilariously demented and terribly heartwarming . It's like There's Something. About Mary as done by Jim.Henson during his Dark Crystal/ Labyrinth. period! Sheer brilliance .