The Lyre of Orpheus
A Fiction, Canada, Cultural book. What an amusing drama life is when one is not obliged to be one...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 472 pages
- ISBN: 9780670824168 / 0
More About The Lyre of Orpheus
What an amusing drama life is when one is not obliged to be one of the characters! Robertson Davies, The Lyre of Orpheus // Marriage isn't just domesticity, or the continuance of the race, or institutionalized sex, or a form of property right. And it damned well isn't happiness, as that word is generally used. I think it's a way of finding your soul. Robertson Davies, The Lyre of Orpheus // Who's Mrs. Gummidge?''If you're a good girl and get well soon I'll lend you the book.''Oh, somebody in a book! All you people like Nilla and the Cornishes and that man Darcourt seem to live out of books. As if everything was in books!''Well, Schnak, just about everything is in books. No, that's wrong. We recognize in books what we've met in life. But if you'd read a few books you wouldn't have to meet everything as if it had never happened before, and take every blow right on the chin. You'd see a few things coming... Robertson Davies, The Lyre of Orpheus...
This book haunted me before I picked it up. There it was on everyone's shelf. There it was, cheap, on the used book shelf at the bookstore. It seemed to be everywhere. I'd always pick it up and then promptly put it back down again. It seemed like a book I should read. I mean, it's called "The Lyre of Orpheus" for crying out loud and... Like the first novel in this trilogy, The Rebel Angels, this is less a novel than an extended philosophical riff by the author. Most of the characters are indistinguishable from each other when they speak; they're obvious stand-ins for Davies' musings on life . But while there's more of a story this time around, this one is charmless.... I continue to enjoy everything Davies writes (thanks Keith!). On the whole, this one was a little on the dull side for me. Mostly scenes of characters (which are all delightful, admittedly) enjoying indulgently boozy dinners and gossiping about each other, and less straightforward on the plot. Still good and worth reading to finish...