Timon of Athens
A British Literature, Drama, 17th Century book. A beastly ambition, which the gods grant thee t'attain to! If thou wert the lion, the fox...
Timon of Athens is a bitterly intriguing study of a fabulously rich man who wastes his wealth on his friends, and, when he is finally impoverished, learns to despise humanity with a hatred that drives him to his grave. The play's plot structure is schematically clear, and the poetry of Timon's rage is arresting in its savage intensity. Yet readers have often detected loose ends, and the tone of writing is uneven. In his introduction, John Jowett explains how these characteristics arise because the play was written as a collaboration between Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton. This edition pays full justice to Middleton's presence, explaining how his contribution gave the play its distinctive edge. Readers need to read this play as a dialogue between writers of different temperaments, and this edition is the first to make such a reading possible. The introduction provides the fullest account of the play's performance history available. The commentary is the most detailed ever to have been published. Appendices include source materials and a listing of major productions worldwide.
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 384 pages
- ISBN: 9780192814975 / 192814974
More About Timon of Athens
TIMON A fool of thee: depart.APEMANTUS I love thee better now than e'er I did.TIMON I hate thee worse. William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens // A beastly ambition, which the gods grant thee t'attain to! If thou wert the lion, the fox wouldbeguile thee; if thou wert the lamb, the fox wouldeat three: if thou wert the fox, the lion wouldsuspect thee, when peradventure thou wert accused bythe ass: if thou wert the ass, thy dulness wouldtorment thee, and still thou livedst but as abreakfast to the wolf: if thou wert the wolf, thygreediness would afflict thee, and oft thou shouldsthazard thy life for thy dinner: wert thou theunicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee andmake thine own self the conquest... Flavius. O my good lord, the world is but a word: Were it all yours to give it in a breath, How quickly were it gone! William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens //
This is kind of a third-rate Shakespearean tragedy, but while it lacks the depth and subtlety of a Lear or an Othello, it does serve as an interesting social commentary. This play reminded me of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" or Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life" . . . . only in reverse. Timon is a generous man who lives beyond his means. He feels blessed to have many friends, but, unlike George Bailey, when Timon calls on them they all abandon him in his time of need. Timon becomes in return a recluse,... C'est ma premire pice de Shakespeare, l'histoire de Timon est attachante, mais elle est tellement courte qu'il me serait difficile d'en faire un synopsis sans aucun spoilers. Je vous donc invite tenter cette pice si comme moi vous n'avez pas lu Shakespeare auparavant, car moi j'ai pu dvorer ce bouquin en trs peu temps et a a m'a pouss...