Little Brother
A Asia, Cultural, Juvenile book. This is a really good book so far, it is sad but is good history book...
"Fleeing from the Khmer Rouge soldiers, Vithy becomes separated from his older brother, Mang, as they escape from Cambodia into Thailand. . . . As Vithy makes the dangerous journey, he comes to rely on his own wits and instincts. Historical novel, adventure, and character study, this book takes readers to another place and time".--Booklist. American Bookseller Pick of the Lists; NCSS-CBC Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies; Bank Street Child Study Children's Book Assn. Children's Book of the Year.
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 144 pages
- ISBN: 9780670843817 / 670843814
More About Little Brother
Name Irvine Date 26/02/15 Book Review Title: Little Brother Author: Allan Baillie Story ElementsSetting (Time, Location, etc.) its in Cambodia during a war against Thailand. Characters:The main character is Vithy and he is looking for his brother Muang, they both got separated when running away from soldiers who had captured them before... Had to read it for school. It was ok, but I was more interested in just getting it over and done with. This is a really good book so far, it is sad but is good history book and i like it a lot. Cambotia is a sad place to live and it makes me feel worse for them and want to help them. I think that people who like sad and moving books then i think you would like it!! I just started reading it and i a already in love with it.