The Market for Liberty
A Politics, Nonfiction, Economics book. Not only is democracy mystical nonsense, it is also immoral. If one man has no right...
Some great books are the product of a lifetime of research, reflection, and labored discipline. But other classics are written in a white heat during the moment of discovery, with prose that shines forth like the sun pouring into the window of a time when a new understanding brings in the world into focus for the first time. The Market for Liberty is that second type of classic, and what a treasure it is. Written by two authorsMorris and Linda Tannehilljust following a period of...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 169 pages
- ISBN: 9780930073084 / 930073088
More About The Market for Liberty
Not only is democracy mystical nonsense, it is also immoral. If one man has no right to impose his wishes on another, then ten million men have no right to impose their wishes on the one, since the initiation of force is wrong (and the assent of even the most overwhelming majority can never make it morally permissible). Opinionseven majority opinionsneither create truth nor alter facts. A lynch mob is democracy in action. So much for mob rule. Morris Tannehill, The Market for Liberty //
Ludzie wolni, sami reguluj rynek dostosowujc si do zasady moralnej: Nie czy drugiemu co Tobie nie mie. Market for Liberty by Morris Tannehill (1993) This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. This work postulates how a "Stateless" society, one free of any sort of Government, could exist, addressing all (by my estimation) of the classic arguments FOR government (road building, National Defense, etc), why it should exist (classic Lockean Natural...