Postales de invierno
A Literature, American, Short Stories book. When we came in she had her chair sideways, without even looking up to...
Considerada en EE. UU. como una de las novelas más influyentes de la década de los setenta, Postales de invierno es la novela con la que Ann Beattie debutó y que le sirvió para ser inmediatamente identificada como una de las voces más importantes de su generación.La novela –que retrata como pocas el desencanto de la juventud americana posterior al movimiento hippie– cuenta la historia de Charles, un joven perdidamente enamorado de Laura, una mujer casada; de su amigo Sam, eterno parado; de Clara, su hipocondríaca madre que se pasa el día deprimida en la bañera; de Tod, su padrastro; y de Susan, su hermana. La música pop, el cine y otros elementos de la cultura popular le sirven a Beattie para tratar con ironía temas tan universales como el amor no correspondido, la insatisfacción laboral o las relaciones familiares; y así lo que podría leerse como una divertida comedia de situación se convierte en una aguda mirada sobre una generación que se resiste a abandonar el idealismo de su juventud y a someterse a las normas que imperan en la sociedad.Postales de invierno resulta ser –recogiendo las palabras de Rodrigo Fresán en el...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 384 pages
- ISBN: 9788493591496 / 8493591491
More About Postales de invierno
When we came in she had her chair sideways, without even looking up to know that it was us, that the doctors had said that sitting and staring at the snow was a waste of time; she should get involved in something. She laughed and told us it wasn't a waste of time. It would be a waste of time just to stare at snowflakes, but she was counting, and even that might be a waste of time, but she was only counting the ones that were just alike Ann Beattie, Chilly Scenes of Winter // The rum and Coke tastes just awful. He wishes he had Susans plain Coke. Ann Beattie, Chilly Scenes of Winter // Hydrox cookies (what happened to them? They used to be so good. Sugar. No doubt they're leaving out sugar) Ann Beattie, Chilly Scenes of Winter //
Tells the internal monologue (but in 3rd person) of a stunted guy, Charles, obsessed with a married woman. There's no plot. It's just him hanging around with his sister or best friend, starting at every phone call that might be from his love object, but that usually is from his step-father who is minding his mentally ill mother. Charles... My notice, from the Village Voice in 1976:http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid... An incredibly real and moving book. It was sad without being melodramatic or so depressing i couldn't connect with the character. Beattie truly captured what it means to be in love. Not the healthy, whimsical romance it's off portrayed as, but real, messy, destructive love. Just an all around great, poignant book.