A Plays, Drama, Theatre book. ROTHKO: (Explodes) 'Pretty.' 'Beautiful.' 'Nice.' 'Fine.' That's our life now! Everything's 'fine'. We put...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 96 pages
- ISBN: 9781840029444 / 0
More About Red
You would have loved Jackson. He was a downtown guy, a real Bohemian. No bankers hours for him, believe you me. Every night the drinking and the talking and the fighting and the dancing and the staying up late; like everyones romantic idea of what an artist ought to be: the anti-Rothko... At his worst you still loved him though; you loved him because he loved art so much... He thought it mattered. He thought painting mattered... Does not the poignancy stop your heart?... How could this story not end in tragedy?Goya said, 'We have Art that we may not... I do get depressed when I think how people are going to see my pictures. If theyre going to be unkind... Selling a picture is like sending a blind child into a room full of razor blades. Its going to get hurt and its never been hurt before, it doesnt know what hurt is. John Logan, Red // ROTHKO: So, now, what do you see? Be specific. No, be exact. Be exact but sensitive. You understand? Be kind. Be a human being, thats all I can say. Be a human being for once in your life! These pictures deserve compassion and they live or die in the eye of the sensitive viewer, they quicken only if the empathetic viewer will let them. That is what they cry out for. That is why they where created. That is what they deserve Now What do you see? Beat. KEN: Red. ROTHKO: But do you like it? KEN: Mm. ROTHKO: Speak up. KEN: Yes. ROTHKO: Of course you like...
Fantastic. Energetic, contemplative. A wonderful look at art and why artists create, what audiences see...what moves us as people. John Logans play Red, is a drama about abstract expressionist painter Mark Rothko. I may never get to see it performed live. But happily, we can read the script of the play. Even more happily, we can see clips of the Broadway production on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5yCV...If I could, I would go see this play ten evenings... Perhaps I am being slightly generous with the five star rating (I cannot help but imagine that the play is much better performed than it is written, though it is written quite well). Perhaps not. It is the first thing I have really enjoyed in quite some time.John Logan's Red succeeds so wildly -- maybe -- because it is a simple commentary...