A Cultural, Philosophy, Italian Literature book. Pentru ca viaa-i scurt,cu mult suferin,i fr cazn trai nu-i cu putincondui de pofte i dorininoi...
A superior treatment of Machiavelli's minor masterpiece! Flaumenhaft's beautifully crafted, literal translation aims to capture the original intent of the playwright. Machiavelli himself distinguished carefully between translations and revisions; thus, Flaumenhaft finds a faithful translation essential to conveying Machiavelli's thought and to allowing direct access to the work. The Prologue explores the relationship between Machiavelli's stage comedies--part of the Comedia Erudita of the Italian Renaissance--and his political books. Mandragola focuses on the...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 57 pages
- ISBN: 9780917974571 / 917974573
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Pentru ca viaa-i scurt,cu mult suferin,i fr cazn trai nu-i cu putincondui de pofte i dorininoi ne petrecem i ne roadem anii;cin` la plceri renun doar strdaniigsete, chin i suferini;de-a lumii amgireacela n-are tire,nici de-ntmplri-i sucite, de ororice-apas greu pe-atia muritori. Niccol Machiavelli, Mandragola // Women are the most charitable creatures, and the most troublesome. He who shuns women passes up the trouble, but also the benefits. He who puts up with them gains the benefits, but also the trouble. As the saying goes, there's no honey without bees. Niccol Machiavelli, Mandragola // Pentru ca viaa-i scurt,cu mult suferin,i fr cazn trai nu-i cu putincondui de pofte i dorininoi ne petrecem i ne roadem anii;cin` la plceri renun doar strdaniigsete, chin i suferini;de-a lumii amgireacela n-are tire,nici de-ntmplri-i sucite, de ororice-apas greu pe-atia muritori.(Machiavelli, Mtrguna, in Comedia Italian din Renatere, Humanitas, 2012, p9) Niccol Machiavelli, Mandragola //
"Quel che mio marito ha voluto per una sera, voglio ch'egli l'abbia per sempre."Non dubito che per l'epoca fosse di un'innovativit sconvolgente, ma suppongo che coi secoli abbia perso il proprio mordente. Ipotesi la quale, tuttavia, ben lungi dal soddisfarmi; se un classico un testo che non smette mai di dire quel che ha da dire, siamo... Unexpected for those who are unfamilliar with Machiavelli's cannon. Light comedy/satire about the roles of women and political power. This is the perfect little play for some light reading enjoyment. It was a light, quick read, required for a class I am taking in college. I honestly never knew Machiavelli wrote a play -- and certainly not one as seemingly frivolous (though the subtext is obviously not frivolous). I can neither say I enjoyed nor disliked it; this was simply required reading I would not otherwise have selected.