The Future of Power
A Politics, History, Political Science book. The world is neither unipolar, multipolar, nor chaoticit is all three at the same time. Joseph S....
In the era of Kennedy and Khrushchev, power was expressed in terms of nuclear missiles, industrial capacity, numbers of men under arms, and tanks lined up ready to cross the plains of Eastern Europe. By 2010, none of these factors confer power in the same way: industrial capacity seems an almost Victorian virtue, and cyber threats are wielded by non-state actors. Politics changed, and the nature of powerdefined as the ability to affect others to obtain the outcomes you wanthad changed dramatically. Power is not static; its story is of shifts and innovations, technologies and relationships. Joseph Nye is a...
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- Pages: 322 pages
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More About The Future of Power
The world is neither unipolar, multipolar, nor chaoticit is all three at the same time. Joseph S. Nye Jr., The Future of Power // In 1900, Europe accounted for a quarter of the worlds population. By 2060, it may account for just 6%and almost a third of these will be more than 65 years old. Europe does face severe demographic problems, but the size of a population is not highly correlated with power, and predictions of Europes downfall have a long history of failing to materialize. Joseph S. Nye Jr., The Future of Power // Hard military power will remain crucial, but if its use is perceived as unjust, such as at Abu Ghraib or Guantnamo, then hard power undercuts the soft power needed to win the minds of mainstream Muslims and creates more new terrorists than are destroyed. For example, a leading terrorism expert concludes that anti-Americanism was exacerbated by the war in Iraq and the U.S. failure to tailor strategies for key countries. International jihadist groups increased their membership and carried out twice as many attacks in the three years after 2001 as before...
Este livro uma excelente compilao de como o poder se transfere dos Estados para as cidades e as organizaes com capacidade de projeo global.Para isso, o recurso a infra estruturas e plataformas digitais e o envolvimento de recursos humanos com diversidade cultural e com elevada qualificao uma necessidade absoluta.confesso que muito do... Some good discussion of nation-state soft power, but poorly applied to real-world examples and the prognostication is quite weak. Does not address soft power via international or intergovernmental institutions. Looks backward more than it looks forward, and even gets some basic facts wrong (like the date of the US invasion of Iraq).... Joseph Nye's timely and informative analysis addresses all the questions one may have asked about the ambiguous term Smart Power and contrasts the various forms of power, whether it is economic power, hard power, or soft power.Smart Power refers to a combination of all the above, with the addition that each is used prudently. In the...