Life of the Buddha
A India, Philosophy, Poetry book. La cortesia la medicina delle donne, la cortesia il massimo ornamento; bellezza senza cortesia come...
The Buddhist monk Ashva.ghosha composed Life of the Buddha in the first or second century CE probably in Ayodhya. This is the earliest surviving text of the Sanskrit literary genre called kavya and probably provided models for Kali.dasa's more famous works. The most poignant scenes on the path to his Awakening are when the young prince Siddhartha, the future Buddha, is confronted by the reality of sickness, old age, and death, while seduced by the charms of the women employed to keep him at home. A poet of the highest order, Ashva.ghosha's aim is not entertainment but instruction, presenting the Buddha's teaching as the culmination of the Brahmanical tradition. His wonderful descriptions of the bodies of courtesans are ultimately meant to show the transience of beauty.Co-published by New York University Press and the JJC FoundationFor more on this title and other titles in the Clay Sanskrit series, please visit http: //www.claysanskritlibrary.org"
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 499 pages
- ISBN: 9780814762165 / 814762166
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La cortesia la medicina delle donne, la cortesia il massimo ornamento; bellezza senza cortesia come un giardino senza fiori. Avaghoa, Life of the Buddha //
Cute little tale about the life of Buddha while highlighting and proclaiming his bankrupt and hypocritical philosophy. Beautiful translation of this very important epic poem. Less about Buddhism or the Buddha and more about Asvaghosa's idea of the Buddha. By deifying him, he does him a disservice as he makes the Buddha's path to enlightenment seem incredibly effortless for him. Interesting read, but not the best choice if you want to learn about Buddhism.