America's Real War
A Cultural, Christianity, Religion book. Despite the title, this book does not focus primarily on the so-called "culture wars." It consists of...
There is a tug of war going on for the future of America. At one end of the rope are those who think America is a secular nation; at the other end are those who believe religion is at the root of our country's foundation. In this paperback release of the thought-provoking America's Real War, renowned leader and speaker Rabbi Daniel Lapin encourages America to re-embrace the Judeo-Christian values on which our nation was founded, and logically demonstrates why those values are crucial to America's strength...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 378 pages
- ISBN: 9781601420404 / 1601420404
More About America's Real War
Despite the title, this book does not focus primarily on the so-called "culture wars." It consists of a number of arguments aimed at persuading secular and religious Jews that they have nothing to fear--and much to gain--from living in a "Christian nation." Rabbi Lapin attempts to overcome the misconceptions and prejudices many Jews--particularly... I thought rather highly of the way this writer uses social history to make his arguments, but then I saw him years later at a Glenn Beck rally, so I'm not sure what to think. It's an interesting commentary regardless. This book is not one that would be likely to make my reading list, but it was recommended by a friend. Rabbi Lapin is an Orthodox rabbi and, among other pursuits, a spokesman for the conservative side of American politics. In America's Real War, he gives his take on the political landscape. The central concept of the book, is that the...